Monday, December 31, 2012

Soul Whispers - Be Awesome

It is my belief that messages from the universe speak to me and remind me of something that is inside of me. When I first see them, I often don't even know what is really being advertised. Instead, the message conjure emotions or thoughts relating to something that is going on within me; in my heart, in my mind, in my soul. I see them on billboards, in magazines, store windows, church plaques...everywhere.

I secretly call them soul whispers.

The messages are all around us


Be awesome...

Recently, a friend was hesitant about entering her art into contest for publication. Fear had a voice and it was telling her 'what if it isn't good enough'. She doubted herself. She was honestly not going to try. This broke my heart.

Friends - I want each and every one of you to be awesome.
You are each talented.
Your talent should be shared, celebrated, and embraced.

Awesome: inspiring great admiration, extremely impressive, extremely good; excellent

I want you to be awesome.

I want you to turn toward the inner critic and stick your tongue out, say na na na na na (yes, just like when you were 5), step forward into the light, and do it.

Yes, do it. What ever it is that you have been afraid to do. Do it.

If you need to put your brave girl cape on and make it happen - then, by all means, put the cape on, and be awesome

Enter that contest! 
Go back to school.
Volunteer to teach painting to kids.
Call a friend that you haven't spoken to in years.
Give that presentation at work.
Quit your job.
Tell that man/woman that you love them.
Be awesome!

By the way, for me, it isn't always about winning it is about stepping forward. Sometimes you have to put yourself out there so you can be seen, so you can share who you are, - simply to be awesome.

When I was a kid I wanted to be WonderWoman. Yes, the Lindsay Wagner, spin to turn into, red boots, and bracelets WonderWoman. 

I am fully aware that she did wear a cape. 

As a kid, a towel was my cape. As I grew up, in high school my cape was a trench coat (give me a break, it was the mid-80's). 

Today, I wear boots in the winter and bracelets in the summer. 

I have my brave girl arsenal that I wear when my insecurities spike and speak too loudly. 

My favorite skirt, a ring that I made, a necklace that is my shield.  It is all about me being able to step forward. They help me to be awesome.

I want to encourage you to be awesome.

Think about it. What do you wear or do that helps you to step forward into the light?
What is your cape?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Gold #ssdecember

Merry Christmas, everyone.

I hope your day is filled with family, love, and joy.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Love Notes Postcard Project...

I'm participating in Jennifer Beltoff's Love Notes Postcard Project during three weeks in December.

As she so beautifully put it in a post on her blog:

"The Love Notes Post Card project invites you pause, sink into the moment, and write words from the heart ~ on an actual piece of paper.  Words that will brighten someones day and spread sunshine to all those hands it passes through." - Jennifer Beltoff

Her prompts are beautifully written and inviting. 

During the first week I sent off a postcard with the message.

This past week the prompt was a series of words and we were encouraged to pick the words that spoke to us. I decided to use a tag, stamp a few flowers, and this week mail it in an envelope. (I also sent one off to Jennifer to say thank you.  I might as well spread the love, right!) 

Love notes week 2 #lovenotesjb

Specific words spoke to me, they whispered to my soul, as rewrote them in my journal and then I played. I put tracing paper over the words and rewrote the ones that spoke to me. When I pulled the tracing paper away I was left with just the words that I needed.  

I continued to play, wrote and rewrote, chose to keep the words I found in order, added little words like with, and, in, and finally settled on what is below:

travel openly
with grace
create willingly
with heart
find celebrations
with laughter
be blissfully in love
with gratefulness
feel alive
with a sense of being
be a knowing teacher
with magic
grow and shine
from the shadows

I do hope that it brings a smile and warms the heart of my love note participant.

I think I will work on creating it larger with fun handwritten fonts.

Be sure and pop over to Jennifer's blog and sign up for her love notes newsletter (there is a button on the right hand sidebar) so that you can play along next time.

As always, thanks for visiting.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Soul Whispers - Love

It is my belief that messages from the universe speak to me and reminds me of something that is inside of me. When I first see them, I often don't even know what is really being advertised. Instead, the message conjure emotions or thoughts relating to something that is going on within me; in my heart, in my mind, in my soul. I see them on billboards, in magazines, store windows, church plaques...everywhere.

I secretly call them soul whispers.

The messages are all around us


I've being seeing the word LOVE and hearts everywhere the past couple of days.

The tragedy of the recent violence in our world crushes me. 
I've avoided the news, purposely.

I'm a person who is deeply passionate and because of this I would take in the sadness like a sponge. The constant news coverage would honestly put me into a depression. That being said as I flipped channels last night, I paused at the start of the memorial service and was so touched by the few moments of the interfaith service that I did watch. People coming together, putting their differences aside, to mourn, to heal - I envisioned the reverberation of prayer echoing around the world.

I want to take this moment to encourage you to love, to listen, and to ask for help. 

It is my opinion that in today's world we are all very busy and we are tied to the electronic gadgets. 
So, I want to encourage you to put your phone down, to turn your tv off, and to listen with love. 

I encourage you to enjoy dinner with your friends and not text or check your email.
 I encourage you to have dinner as a family, together, without the tv being on. 

I encourage you to ask the person next to you how they are and I want you to be present, in the moment, and I want you to listen with love and intention.

I also encourage you to share openly, tenderly, honestly, and if you need to...I want you to ask for help. 

Know...that it is okay to ask for help. 
Know that you are safe and that you are with the people that love you.

To the town of Newtown, CT, which is less than a couple of hours away from me, my sincerest prayers and love to you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Reverb12 - Day 6 - 12

Reverb12 is in full swing over at I Saw You Dancing and I am loving it, though I am not sharing much. I have honestly just been taking it all in and thinking, meditating, and dreaming. In a way this is what it is all about.

My days are filled with day job craziness so when I can I take a few moments of silence - I savor them.

Flower in the rain #flower #fromwhereistand #nyc

Reverb12 - Each day there is a new question that is meant to allow us to reflect on 2012, soul search, and dream about 2013. The prompts are inspiring new ideas and dreaming – pure yumminess in my book.

Day 6: What did you learn? (new skills, etc)
Day 7: What will you take with you?
Day 8: What is your most important relationship?
Day 9: What is your favorite book?
Day 10: What was the greatest risk you took in 2012?
Day 11: What was music to your ears?
Day 12: What made you dance? What made you weep?

What did I learn? 
I learned that I really enjoy to create and not just with a camera but with paint, paper, ink, stamps, etc. Watercolors are one of my new favorite things. I am still learning how to play with them but I love to stamp with watercolors and doodle. 

What will I take with me?
I love this question. I have been planning the past couple of weeks since Art Every Day ended. I have fallen in love with the flower stamps that I created from the okra stamping that I did. I have some fun and creative ideas for 2013 using the flower pattern that I've created.

What is my most important relationship?
My first response is with Superman - I love him so. But, deeply, it is with my creative self. I can get caught up in my day job craziness, stressed out, and overwhelmed. My creative self can get pushed aside and that means that I fall out of balance. So, my creative self is vital to my happiness. I have to remember to let her play more often.

What is your favorite book?
This is a difficult one for me. I love books and often am reading multiple books at the same time. Right now I am thoroughly enjoying Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. 

What is the greatest risk I took in 2012?
I jumped outside my photography comfort zone and began to play with watercolors, ink, stamp making, and art journaling. I've found another creative outlet that allows my heart to sing and that I can do when my health doesn't allow for my city photo walks.

What was music to my ears?
The laughter of my dear friends' child. She makes my heart smile whenever I see her. I feel privileged to be a part of their lives. 

What made you dance? What made you weep?
Dance: I made a photo montage at my favorite place in my hometown (some day I'll finish editing all of them). I had such a great time taking a series of self portraits and random photos of the bridge where I used to spend many hours.
Weep: Ill family members. It is difficult to see a parent suffer as they age - breaks my heart. I cherish every moment that I can spend with them.

I am enjoying the reflection back on 2012. Searching within, documenting my answers, learning, and growing as I go along. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Soul Whispers - All I Have To Do Is Listen

It is my belief that messages from the universe speak to me and reminds me of something that is inside of me. When I first see them, I often don't even know what is really being advertised. Instead, the message conjures emotions or thoughts relating to something that is going on within me; in my heart, in my mind, in my soul. I see them on billboards, in magazines, store windows, church plaques...everywhere.

I secretly call them soul whispers.

The messages are all around us



Could the message be any bigger?
It was even written in all caps.

This time of year can be exceptionally busy. 
Often we are so wrapped up doing things for others 
that we forget to listen to ourselves, our bodies, our hearts.

This reminded me that I am not Wonder Woman
 and I have to listen to what I need. 

All I have to do is listen.

I have a tendency to do too much. 
The city does that to you. It is easy to forget to slow down.

So, this season I just wanted to remind you to listen. 

A good cup of tea or hot chocolate
and a little people watching 
may be all you need to re-energize.

Slow down when you need to 
and remember to pause.

Just repeat this to yourself...
All I have to do is listen.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reverb12 . . . taking it all in

Reverb12 has started over at I Saw You Dancing and I am loving it, though I am not sharing much. I have honestly just been taking it all in and thinking, meditating, and dreaming. In a way this is what it is all about. I saw this sign yesterday when I was out walking at lunch and it describes where I am right now.

Sign #ssdecember

My days are filled with day job craziness so when I can I take a few moments of silence - I savor them.

Reverb12 - Each day there is a new question that is meant to allow us to reflect on 2012, soul search, and dream about 2013. The prompts are inspiring new ideas and dreaming – pure yumminess in my book.

Day 1:  How are you starting?
Day 2:  Your most significant spend?
Day 3:  What do you really wish for?
Day 4:  How will you celebrate you?
Day 5:  What was your dream destination?

How are you starting?
Slowly…I know, I know, but I just came off of Blogtoberfest and Art Every Day Month so I’ll be honest with myself blogging every day during December just isn’t my reality. I’m okay with this, I accept it, and instead, I will be journaling, writing, and dreaming. Blogging will be done by clumping a few days together, like today.

Your most significant spend?
Online class - Hello Soul Hello Business. This class was filled with dreaming and how to information. Honestly, too much information for me. I have a more than full time day job and am working on balancing all my creative endeavors outside my 9-6+.  I am creating a plan and will unveil new fun things in 2013. HSHB helped me figure out my priorities and my limitations. I cannot do it all and need to be patient. Slow and forward is always better than stuck and I am moving forward just slowly.

What do you really wish for?
Oh, there are so many things…but I wish for all my days to be filled with creativity, inspiration, travel, and art activities.  

How will you celebrate you?
Purely is the first word that came to mind. I believe that we all need a little “me” time and that when you do this it should be done with pureness, you must be present in the moment, and you need to do it alone.  For me, this means with my camera in my hand. An artist date with my camera and NYC is on the schedule for this coming weekend.

What was your dream destination?
I have longed to go to Italy. The color palette of the country speaks to my soul, the food, the history… one day I know that I will get there.

If you want to read how reverb12 is going for the other’s who are participating this year hop over to I Saw You Dancing, read the comments, and jump to a few blogs.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Shared Messages from the Universe - words...

It is my belief that messages from the universe speak to me and remind me of something that is inside of me. When I first see them, I often don't even know what is really being advertised. Instead, the message conjures emotions or thoughts relating to something that is going on within me; in my heart, in my mind, in my soul. I see them on billboards, in magazines, store windows, church plaques...everywhere.

I secretly call them soul whispers.

The messages are all around us


The past couple of weeks have been filled with planes and trains as I have traveled a lot for the day job. This means magazines and newspapers are often my inspiration. This is where the universe reminded me about needing a word for 2013.

During 2012 my word was B E L I E V E and it is has done well reminding me to believe in myself, my art, and my abilities. So, I want to adopt a word for 2013.

I have been seeing single words everywhere.

I am not sure what word I will embrace for 2013, yet... I'll continue to meditate on it, be present, and maybe the universe will give me my word (that is how I got believe) - I saw it everywhere last year. 

By the way, Ali Edwards hosts a class called One Little Word at Big Picture Classes. Monthly prompts and exercises, a supportive group of people each embracing their word too. It is amazing!

What has the universe been whispering to you?

Sunday, December 2, 2012


White #ssdecember #catsofinstagram


I'm playing along with Shutter Sisters during the month of December on Instagram.
Each day has a new prompt and yesterday was white.

My cat Tucker is such a snuggle muffin. 
What I love about this photo is that he looks so small and adorable. (and he really isn't...small at all)

By the way, you can find me on instagram as lorimoonstudio in case you want to follow along.

Friday, November 30, 2012

AEDM - so grateful

AEDM Day 30

I'm linking up with Art Every Day Month throughout the month of November.

Creating art each day: doodling, painting, journal making, stamping, photographing, etc.

It is the last day of Art Every Day Month and I am so grateful. I'm also a little sad this month has been a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

I created a ton of new art. 

Creatively thought up an entire new line of products that will in 2013 become cards, original art, fabric, wall clings, and even silver pendants for necklaces. Totally excited and drawing up plans of how to make it all happen. Yes, that means that I will open an online store of some kind in 2013.

Also, I am so grateful for all of you. Your daily visits, kindness, words of encouragement, and love sincerely mean the world to me. 

Thank you!

Here are a few of my favorites from the month.

Also, I've signed up to participate in Kat's (at I Saw You Dancing) 'reverb12 during the month of December. I can't think of better way to reflect on 2012 and get excited about 2013.

Check back during December I promise there will photographs of NYC all decked out for the holidays.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

'tis the season...

AEDM Day 29

I'm linking up with Art Every Day Month throughout the month of November.

Creating art each day: doodling, painting, journal making, stamping, photographing, etc.

NYC is bursting with holiday spirit.
The store windows have all be revealed.  
The Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center was lit last night. 
There are decorations on lamp posts.
The doorways of buildings have garland and ornaments.
There are lights everywhere.
I bought a couple of poinsettias yesterday. (One for the bathroom where the cats can't reach and another for my day job desk.)
I even saw a construction worker with a Santa hat over his hard hat yesterday.

I love Christmas in NYC. 

I think it is about time that I put up a few decorations in my 300 square feet.

Oh, and maybe I should do a little shopping and send a few gifts home to my family since I will be staying in NYC for Christmas.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Creative Color Challenge and Day 28 AEDM

AEDM Day 28

I'm linking up with Art Every Day Month throughout the month of November.

Creating art each day: doodling, painting, journal making, stamping, photographing, etc.

Today I'm also participating in Louise Gale's Creative Color Challenge for November.  Each month Louise gives us a color palette to play with during the month. I just love the warm colors she gave us this time.

On Day 6 of AEDM I shared this piece of leaf art. Created with watercolors, inspired by the maple leaves of Central Park.

More leaves #watercolors #art #aedm2012 to be cut up and hung

I decided to make a mobile out of them. Originally I was going to take them to my office, I still might, but for now they hang on my closet doors near my bed.

By the way, at the suggestion of a dear friend, I did not cut up my original watercolor. I photocopied it, cut the leaves out, and simply strung them with thread.

Thanks, Louise for the color inspiration and this month's challenge. Also, thanks to Deborah Velásquez for the mobile inspiration.

Hop over to AEDM and Louise Gale's site to visit a few other creative souls today.

As always, thanks for stopping by.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Holiday Cards & Shared Messages from the Universe

AEDM Day 26

I'm linking up with Art Every Day Month throughout the month of November.

Creating art each day: doodling, painting, journal making, stamping, photographing, etc.

The holidays are all around us and I love NYC during the Christmas holiday. Now that Thanksgiving is over I can start to think about Christmas.

I played with my flower stamp to create a few holiday cards. I loved how they turned out.

Hop over to Leah's page and visit a few other creative soul's blogs as we celebrate Art Every Day Month.


 Also, if you are a regular reader you may be familiar with my Monday shared messages from the universe...

It is my belief that messages from the universe speak to me and remind me of something that is inside of me. When I first see them, I often don't even know what is really being advertised. Instead, the message conjures emotions or thoughts relating to something that is going on within me; in my heart, in my mind, in my soul. I see them on billboards, in magazines, store windows, church plaques...everywhere.

I secretly call them soul whispers.

The messages are all around us


I had a pretty low key weekend, needing to take care of myself and rest. I am thankful for Superman being patient and creating hot baths. 

I came across the page above while reading and dreaming through a travel magazine. 

I seriously love this.

There are so many things that I could say but I am going to let it speak to you today.
Share with me in the comments how the message above whispers to your soul.

As always, thank you, for stopping by, reading, commenting, and for being you.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


AEDM Day 25

I'm linking up with Art Every Day Month throughout the month of November.

Creating art each day: doodling, painting, journal making, stamping, photographing, etc.

Flowers, flowers, and more flowers.

May your day be filled with smiles.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Doodle in color...

AEDM Day 24

I'm linking up with Art Every Day Month throughout the month of November.

Creating art each day: doodling, painting, journal making, stamping, photographing, etc.

Just a little doodle with watercolors...

Now to work on my sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project. 

Hop over to Leah's website and visit a few other creative soul's who are participating in AEDM.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Kermit and why there are less photos lately

AEDM Day 23

I'm linking up with Art Every Day Month throughout the month of November.

Creating art each day: doodling, painting, journal making, stamping, photographing, etc.

Thanksgiving, when I am in NY, for me means at least a glimpse of Kermit in person. Since I live so close to Central Park to not walk over and watch the balloons fly on Thanksgiving just doesn't make sense in my book. So after putting the turkey breast in the crock pot, Superman and I did just that yesterday morning. I always feel like a kid at the parade.

Kermit #nyc

If you look closely there are windows open in the top right corner of the picture - the people there has balloon height seats!

Also, before the parade started someone had let some helium balloons go free. They dotted the sky and I tried to get a few pictures.

I recently have had a few friends express that they miss my photographs. They love the art I've been creating but they miss my pictures so I thought I would share why.

The past year has dealt me some health issues. I have fibromyalgia and have for almost 2 decades. For the most part, self-care and awareness go along way to me managing and living with it, most days I'm  fine. During the past year, I've had terrible pain in my knees and after much searching, many doctors, and treatments I've learned that it has a lot to do with my muscles being tight due to the fibro combined with all the day-to-day walking I do living in the city.

During the past year, my ability to take pictures every weekend, for hours, has been limited due to pain and/or fatigue. There have been moments of photography bliss just not every weekend.

This has pushed me to rediscover my love for ink and watercolors. 
Thus the reason that you are seeing more art.

What I've learned this past year is that when I am able to be creative (no matter what the medium) my soul dances a little and I am flying high.

Thanks for stopping by, checking in, reading along, and commenting.
Your kindness touches my heart.

Hop over to Leah's website and visit a few other creative soul's who are participating in AEDM.
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