Monday, April 9, 2012

Shared Messages from the Universe - Grow

It is my belief that messages from the universe speak to me and remind me of something that is inside of me. When I first see them, I often don't even know what is really being advertised. Instead, the message conjures emotions or thoughts relating to something that is going on within me; in my heart, in my mind, in my soul. I see them on billboards, in magazines, store windows, church plaques...everywhere. 

I secretly call them soul whispers.

The messages are all around us

Grow: uprise, originate, spring up, develop, expand, change, mature

I love that this store is simply called Grow. 

As soon as I walked past it I new that I had to have a picture. It speaks to exactly where I am...I am growing.  

I am a blogger, as a photographer, as a person.

But, mostly as an artist. 

I am less afraid to try things. I get lost in the simple act of creating. I long for the moments when I can escape my crazy day job for just a half an hour to walk the streets and be awakened by all that surrounds me.

I take a lot of pictures, I play with pens, I create jewelry, I'm writing/creating an e-course, I'm going to sell photographic prints. . . I'm growing my passion.

I want to encourage you to grow - to expand your world. 

How are you growing?

How does "grow" whisper to your soul? 


  1. Lori- it looks great!!Awesome job!!!

  2. My favorite growth and nurturing has always been and have always included my friendships!


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